
How to make an origami rose paper flower, QT Rose

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qt origami rose paper flower


Level Intermediate
Copyright Hyo Ahn



This page is for those who want the instructions to fold a QT origami rose flower.  This QT rose was designed by Hyo Ahn. This rose simulates mid half-bloom rose flower where the center part of rose opens a quite a bit but the petals not extended outward yet. The beginning part of folding is the same as Kawasaki rose so if you have folded Kawasaki rose before, then it would be easy to follow.


You may use any kind of paper to fold the QT rose flower (*it is easier if the front and the back side of the paper are slightly different whether it be in texture or color).

Make sure the paper that you use is a square (all sides are equal and all the angles equal 90 degrees). The paper I am using here is 20cm x 20cm square one.


QT origami rose: front side of paper


what the front side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like

QT origami rose: back side of paper


what the back side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like



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How To Make An Origami Rose Paper Flower, QT Rose

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